It strikes me as a shame that many people view entrepreneurship as a selective club. These people have a disconnected view of entrepreneurs, like everyday people reading about a billionaire, it is interesting, but some far off and unattainable reality. At its roots, I think much of this comes down to environmental conditioning. Let’s use a young child as an example. Say this child excels at reading, writing and math. Now say his skills are relatively equivalent across these disciplines but his feedback is not. His parents are both professors at a liberal arts college and read to him constantly, as well as do family writing workshops. They praise his literary aptitude openly around relatives and have samples of his writing framed around the house. Because of this feedback, the child starts to work more on writing and reading because he likes the positive reinforcement. From here his teacher notices his abilities and then his peers notice and his environment has a ripple affect. Pretty soon he is spending significantly more time on reading and writing and relatively his skills in this area outpace his mathematics. Same inherent spacial and cognitive abilities, but he becomes a “english/history” kid versus a “math/science” kid because of his environment. Why the long-winded example? The point is that our environment influences what we aspire to achieve. Many individuals who grow up in a upper class household will have high aspirations for future earnings. Those who grow up in a very poor, working class household might not even view college or secondary education as a possibility. I grew up around a lot of entrepreneurs. My dad was an entrepreneur, my cousin was an entrepreneur. Thus I saw entrepreneurship as an attainable reality. I am writing this article to stress the immaterial mental blocks and hurdles that many perceive exist with this path. See, ultimately, success in entrepreneurship revolves around effectively solving customers problems and your ability to find and connect with said customers. This can apply to nearly any discipline. With the example discussed earlier of the child, if he decided to focus back on math in college, he is at a relative disadvantage. He allocated his time to reading/writing and building that platform while other comparable peers put their time towards math/science so he is relatively less competitive now. With entrepreneurship it doesn’t work like that. You can leverage almost any background to be an entrepreneur, all you need to have is critical thinking and the ability to perceive problems. Everyone has things they don’t like when going through everyday life. A certain aspect of their phone, annoyance at trying to carry tons of groceries or the need for a customized flange for their next design project. So if you can solve problems and ever wondered what a life would be like outside of the the 9-5, where you are your own boss and control your own daily flow, think again about entrepreneurship. The world desperately needs a wide variety of people to solve a wide variety of problems.